The first day I got it (his hadn't come in yet) he ended up playing with it more than I even picked it up. He would show me all the "cool" features...he even made me watch a demo awhile back about the phone. I felt intimidated by it. I bought my sister's ipod several years ago and have never downloaded a song because I have no idea how and never thought to ask anyone. I am now a fan of a lot of crazy sounding music that no one has ever really heard of due to the fact that this is my only option on my ipod.
Nathan finally got his phone, and we spent the other night going over every detail to help eliminate my intimidation of this device. He very patiently showed me iTunes and how to download apps, podcasts, and MUSIC! We then decided to play Words With Friends and stayed up until almost 3 in the morning because we just HAD to finish our game. Since then, I have been addicted. I can't quit playing with it...I can't quit playing Words with Friends....I love looking at apps....I actually have music that I really like and is not from 5 years ago.
I know this is all "so several years ago" to a lot of you and seems pretty crazy that I could write an entire post about it, but when thinking about what's going on in my life lately....sadly this is it.
We did get to hang out with the fam at Melissa and Jason's the other night. It was fun seeing their stinkin' cute kiddos which always gets me excited about our future little one. Lincoln is absolutely IN LOVE with "Uncle Na-Na." It melts my heart to see how excited they get to see each other. And little Noah just melts my heart. It was good seeing my dad who just returned from guatamala...and then of course my mom. She has been a life saver to us lately by helping with getting things painted and unpacked in the new house.
And in other exciting news, I now feel like I can leave the house feeling "semi-cute" again thanks to the bags of maternity clothes my sister gave me.
I will now leave you with a picture from my new addiction. This will be a first so let's see if this works.
As you can see....my picture is at the top. Both of them. This explains my incompetence completely.
Thanks for caring.
glad you're liking it (the phone) and are you against titling your posts or something?? :) love you!