Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Still no cable, but we have running water coming from our refrigerator now thanks to the handy plumber who just left. Sadly that is the first exciting thing that has happened today. Not sure where to begin on this post except I feel I should let you in on some important details going on in the old life.
First of all, I am pregnant. :) (This is my favorite thing going on right now) I am due December 13th and we found out last week that it is indeed a boy! The two highlights of my pregnancy so far: 1) That insane feeling that overwhelmed me when I saw the positive on the test...the feeling of wanting to puke, faint, and scream for joy all at the same time. And then God did something to my heart. I began to feel so incredibly blessed in such a different sense that I have not felt before. 2) Seeing Nathan's face when he saw that it was a boy...priceless.
Other thing going on...we just moved into a new house. We actually bought this house which is insane for the girl who has been moving every year of her life since college. It feels crazy putting things in the attic knowing that they will actually be there for several years to come collecting dust. Which then makes me rethink why we even put things in the attic.
So my life this summer has consisted of packing (if you want to call it that). After moving for so many years you would think I had the packing thing down to the wire. But my method is pretty much grab as many things in your arms as you can and throw it in the car. Then repeat. This drove all the type A people in my life crazy as they helped us move. I am very thankful for them though.
We have also been shopping for "things" for the house. This is the true test of your marriage for those who have experienced this. I am happy to say we are still married and we still adore each other.
Lastly, I have been reading. But not a very good book. I can't stand not finishing books so I will suffer through it until it's done. I couldn't even tell you what it's called. I am actually looking for a good devotional right now. So any suggestions would be great (Melissa).
Well that about sums up "important things going on" post. I'm awful at taking pictures, but I know I like to look at pictures so I am guessing others do too. I will try to make that a goal for the next time. Thanks for caring.


  1. it's not a devotional, but i'm buying off amazon asap b/c i've heard incredible things about it- like a devotional...crazy love by:francis chan. he spoke at biola quite a bit and is phenomenal. oh - you forgot to title your post :)

  2. That is actually sitting on my shelf right now and I was about to start reading it because i have heard good things as well. It must be Nathan's and I have been meaning to ask him about it. Yes..we didn't spend much time on "titling posts" oops.

  3. congratulations on your baby boy!

  4. I have heard so much about you (and the rest of the family) from Savannah that I feel I already know you! Welcome to the blogging world...I'm a newbie, too! Congratulations on the little man on the way!
